



当我准备差不多了我就搞个 gitee 的 page……


2022-08-22 10:35:13

git submodule add https://github.com/luizdepra/hugo-coder.git themes/hugo-coder


  1. 设置可以写在主题的config.toml中,也可以写在主目录的config.toml中
  2. 图片等资源默认应该放入主目录下的static中

2022-08-22 11:01:27

  tag = "tags"
  category = "categories"
title: "第一篇测试稿"
date: 2022-08-19T11:14:12+08:00
tags: ["记录", "hugo"]
categories: ["记录"]

2022-08-22 18:25:03
hugo 的目录说明:

  • archetypes,原型或者说模板,hugo new 的时候使用的
  • assets,资产,默认不创建
  • config,设置,默认不会创建而是只有一个config.toml

    Hugo ships with a large number of configuration directives. The config directory is where those directives are stored as JSON, YAML, or TOML files. Every root setting object can stand as its own file and structured by environments. Projects with minimal settings and no need for environment awareness can use a single file at its root.config.toml

    Many sites may need little to no configuration, but Hugo ships with a large number of configuration directives for more granular directions on how you want Hugo to build your website. Note: config directory is not created by default.

  • content,内容
  • data,配置文件

    This directory is used to store configuration files that can be used by Hugo when generating your website. You can write these files in YAML, JSON, or TOML format. In addition to the files you add to this folder, you can also create data templates that pull from dynamic content.

  • layouts,以文件形式存储模板
  • static,静态内容
  • resources,缓存

2023-08-25 14:51:37

  1. bilibili
  2. 企业云盘